Dota 2 Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. 0. Butterfly greatly improves survivability against Meepo, as he can't effectively counter evasion. Burns an opponent's mana on each attack. Aprenda a combater e a quando escolher um Anti-Mage da nossa lista de combates e combinações atualizados para o meta atual. Scythe of Vyse, Orchid Malevolence, and Abyssal Blade can disable a lone Meepo from escaping with Poof. How to counter Anti-Mage as Skywrath Mage, How to counter Anti-Mage as Treant Protector, How to counter Anti-Mage as Nature's Prophet, How to counter Anti-Mage as Faceless Void, How to counter Death Prophet as Anti-Mage, How to counter Ancient Apparition as Anti-Mage, How to counter Outworld Devourer as Anti-Mage, How to counter Phantom Lancer as Anti-Mage, How to counter Skywrath Mage as Anti-Mage, How to counter Anti-Mage as Bane Elemental, How to counter Spirit Breaker as Anti-Mage. Gank him early. Other heroes who has armor and slow debuffs won't allow Medusa to disengage from combat: Tidehunter, Bristleback, Slardar. Manta Style, Lotus Orb, and Guardian Greaves can dispel Earthbind on allies or yourself. 14.72% +0.41%: Oathbound Defiant Helm. Short distance teleportation that allows Anti-Mage to move in and out of combat. TI10 Anti-Mage Persona - Disciple's Path #antimage Almost all of Storm Spirit's damage is magical, which is severely reduced by Counterspell. Axe's high base health regeneration allows him to dominate the lane against Anti-Mage, especially with a support. He is always good to pick in case the enemy team barely has any pushing potential. Ice Blast prevents … Submitted By Pyronic. Venomancer's damage-over-time abilities do little damage against Counterspell. He can't. Submitted By wowzewow. - Support. Naga. * In early to mid stage, Silence is also a great way to counter escape oriented heroes such as Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, and Phantom Assassin to prevent them from escaping, provided that … Anti-Mage can withstand magical burst damage much better than other carries, making him effective against nukers: Anti-Mage's high mobility from Blink and tendency to build. Faceless Void's ultimate can easily lock-down Antimage's manoeuvrability. Skywrath is a good counter since he can bait Anti-Mage, silence him with Ancient Seal and let his team finish him off. This allows Anti-Mage to constantly deal bonus damage to Pugna with Mana Break and devastate Pugna's entire team with Mana Void. Despite high magic resistance provided by, Phantom Assassin has low intelligence and low mana pool, meaning that both, Troll Warlord's passive root, high attack speed, and. It is a rather effective skill to chase Anti-Mage if he survives to your ambush and blinks away. Counts as a Unique Attack Modifier. Linkensphere on anti Mage. Sorted By: 0. * Counter Helix will trigger even if Axe's depleted of mana, which will make Anti-Mage take more damage than he's dealing. Pugna only deals magical damage, which Anti-Mage is exceptionally resistant due to Counterspell. Blink can break static Link, preventing Razor absorbing his damage. A big mistake for newer Anti-Mage players is to think that because of Mana Shield, they can tank nukes to the face even early-mid game and be fine. You god bro, try. Zeus almost exclusively relies on magical damage, which is heavily reduced by Counterspell. Zeus' complete lack of mobility makes him very easy for Anti-Mage to chase down with Blink. Heroes who build mana boosting items but have low mana regeneration are especially vulnerable against Mana Break and Mana Void: Abilities with poor cast time are easily dodged with Blink or blocked by Counterspell: Heroes who can reduce the enemy's mana will set Anti-Mage up for a hard-hitting Mana Void: Heroes who can group or keep enemies together will help Anti-Mage hit multiple targets with Mana Void: Because Anti-Mage has decent resistance to physical damage and great resistance to magical damage, he gets good value from healing heroes: Aggressive heroes who can help create space for Anti-Mage's farming: This page was last edited on 23 April 2021, at 10:44. Learn how to counter and when to pick Anti-Mage from our list of counters and matchups … Ogre Magi has a very large mana pool which means Anti-Mage can do large amounts of damage to him with Mana Break and Mana Void. Counters in Team Fights. Counterspell reduces much of the damage from, Mana Break diminishes Storm Spirit's mobility with. Counter Helix will trigger even if Axe's depleted of mana, which will make Anti-Mage take more damage than he's dealing. Axe's low mana pool makes him a bad target for using Mana Void. Rubick's complete lack of mobility makes him very easy for Anti-Mage to chase down with Blink. Anti-Mage Immortal Weapon. vs. Phantom Lancer. Zeus likes to stand in the back during team fights, but Anti-Mage can easily Blink to close the distance. Viper's skill set makes him an effective early game ganker against Anti-Mage before he is sufficiently farmed. Troll Warlord's low mana causes him to take little damage from Mana Void. * In early to mid stage, Silence is also a great way to counter escape oriented heroes such as Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, and Phantom Assassin to prevent them from escaping, provided that … Anti-Mage Immortal Off-Hand. Phantom Strike to counter Blink. Example: Let's take two heroes, Superman, with a general winrate of 53%, and Lex Luthor, with a general winrate of 47%. Anti-Mage is Weak Against. 5 Anti-Mage Items in Mobile Legends (ML) The presence of the following line of Mage deterrent items in Mobile Legends allows you to be able to fight the mage hero attacks very easily, you just need to use the line of mage deterrent items that Esprortsku recommend the following. Berserker's Call is a solid counter during all the game as it can prevent any escape via Blink. 0. A good counter to Anti-Mage is to stun or silence him, preventing him from Blinking. Report. 14.74% +0.22%: Basher of Mage Skulls. Borrowed Time also makes Abaddon a hard support to gank, thus negating Huskar's early game dominance. Puck's high magical burst damage can be a threat to Anti-Mage early on in the game. Anti-Mage can farm much more quickly than Wraith King, allowing Anti-Mage to overpower Wraith King once a significant farm advantage is established. Anti-Mage is not a - Ganker. Anti-Mage doesn’t want to hit you as his attacks could proc Counter Helix. To counter my favorite hero: Get slardar blink: Blink, crush, amplify, watch him die as you cancel his blink with you ♥♥♥♥ bashes. Black King Bar can protect a hero from Poof and Earthbind. - Counter to heroes with a high mana pool necessarily. * Axe's low mana pool makes him a bad target for using Mana Void. Added Aghanim's Shard upgrade for Anti-Mage: Removes Counterspell 's mana cost, and causes it to create an illusion upon successfully triggering on targeted spells that deals 50% damage, takes 250% damage, and lasts 5 seconds. Report. Stop him early, and often. - Tank until late-game. Learn how to counter and when to pick Skywrath Mage from our list of counters and matchups updated for the current meta. For each point of mana missing by the target unit, damage is dealt to it and surrounding enemies. Blink helps Anti-Mage get away from Venomancer's slows. Anti-mage *will* get farmed if given enough time. In theory Medusa counters all melee heroes, even though that is not the case with Mana-burning heroes and heroes with escapes although Medusa can outfight even Anti-Mage if he gets petrified. Ancient Apparition lacks mobility, thus making him fall easily to Mana Void. Anti-Mage. Anti Mage will always be nuisance by tearing down ur building at late game. 2,000. Increases Anti-Mage's resistance to magic damage. 0. Submitted By wowzewow. Report. Bristleback is easily kited by Blink, ignoring the protection from. Mana Break drains Abaddon's mana, preventing him from using, Counterspell decreases the amount of damage received from, Anti-Mage's high mobility allows him to deal with, Mana Break quickly eats away at Bristleback small mana pool, preventing him from spamming, Bristleback has no innate mobility. Learn how to counter and when to pick Anti-Mage from our list of counters … Counter Helix deals pure damage, ignoring the protection from Counterspell. Meepo's clones can only use their mana for. Even with. * In early to mid stage, Silence is also a great way to counter escape oriented heroes such as Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, and Phantom Assassin to prevent them from escaping, provided that … A good counter to Anti-Mage is to stun or silence him, preventing him from Blinking. The counter to the anti-mage (imo): Bloodseeker, his abilities Rupture and Anti prevent Blink. Anti-Mage Counters and Synergyes. Eradar, he gets 2 mp burning Predators and deals x2 burning damage to … Stop him early, and often. Counterspell can reflect static link back to himself. Learn how to counter and when to pick Anti-Mage from our list of counters and matchups updated for the current meta. Advantage (Adv) - The difference between the actual winrate of the heroes and the expected winrate from their base winrates. Submitted By Noobenheimer. How to beat Anti-Mage with Phantom Lancer Click here for How to beat Phantom Lancer with Anti-Mage. Both of them can destroy him in the lane quite easily. If the enemy team lacks AoE spells, then she is best counter to the anti-mage. Mana Break deals 60% of the mana burned as damage to the target. A good initiation from Legion Commander and her team is enough to effortlessly kill Anti-Mage. A good counter to Anti-Mage is to stun or silence him, preventing him from Blinking. Antimage relies on his Blink to move around the map, this allows him to escape easily from ganks. Terrorblade's low mana pool makes him a poor target for Mana Void. To counter peak Magnus is better to use the following characters: Anti-Mage, Lifestealer, Clinkz, Axe, Ancient Apparition, Storm Spirit, Phantom Lancer, Bloodseeker, Ursa, … Mana Break quickly eats away at Rubick's low mana pool, preventing. Tidehunter's small mana pool can be eated by Mana Break, preventing to spam his abilities and ignores the protection from. * Axe's high base health regeneration allows him to dominate the lane against Anti-Mage, especially with a support. Anti-Mage is a great counter pick to mobile heroes and intelligence heroes. Same story with SB In general: It's always too late if any carry got fed: GGWP. General Counter Tips. 1 Bad against... 1.1 Others 1.2 Items 2 Good against... 2.1 Others 2.2 Items 3 Works well with... 3.1 Others 3.2 Items Huskar's damage over time gives Abaddon the opportunity to shield and heal his allies. It inflicts pure damage which isn’t reduced by Spell Shield. Chemical Rage negates almost all damage from Burning Spears. Am i a Joke to You? Not 1v1. Filtr: Tento týden Tento měsíc Poslední 3 měsíce Posledních 6 měsíců Posledních 12 měsíců ──────── Ranked Season 4 Ranked Season 3 Ranked Season 2 Ranked Season 1 ──────── Patch 7.28 Patch 7.27 Patch 7.26 Patch 7.25 Patch 7.24 Patch 7.23 Heroes with abilities or items that can silence or disable Anti-Mage for long periods of time will prevent him from Blinking away: Anti-Mage cannot manfight physical damage heroes like, Heroes that can create more powerful illusions of Anti-Mage. Storm Sprit has a very large mana pool which means Anti-Mage can do large amounts of damage to him with Mana Break and Mana Void. Hope they make a mistake. Ogre Magi only deals magical damage, which Anti-Mage is exceptionally resistant due to Counterspell. Good counters to Anti-Mage in the lane are Legion Commander and Slardar. All Counter Tips. - Semi-carry. Pugna has a very large mana pool. Report. Riki. Berserker's Call prevents Anti-Mage from escaping with Blink, and works well with Blade Mail against Anti-Mage's relatively low health. It is less effective at night because requires vision on the target, but the 1000 cast range is almost as much as Anti-Mage’s Blink - which is 1150 without the talent. View more Counter Tips Submit a Counter Tip. Night Stalker's low mana pool causes him to take little damage from Mana Void. Mana Break quickly eats away at Wraith King's small mana pool, preventing, Wraith King has no innate mobility. Anti-Mage Mythical Head. * In early to mid stage, Silence is also a great way to counter escape oriented heroes such as Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, and Phantom Assassin to prevent them from escaping, provided that … Subscribe : Miracle- [Anti Mage] When Pro Counter! Doom's low mana pool causes him to take little damage from Mana Void. Anti-mage *will* get farmed if given enough time. 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