Discuss with the guest whether they are able to return home, or whether it is possible to extend their stay. If fixed workspaces cannot be moved, consider leaving empty desks or workspaces between individuals. This is the law, and you have a legal duty to remind your customers to wear face coverings if this applies to your facility. You could ask them to inform staff if they have COVID-19 symptoms, a positive test, or are told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace. Provide hand washing facilities or hand sanitiser at entry and exit points and ensure it is accessible. You can find more information in the section on who should go to the workplace. Hospitality venues such as restaurants, cafes and bars can open to the public for indoor and outdoor service. You can find more information in the coronavirus restrictions guidance. It covers practical steps that employers, employees and volunteers need to take to work safely. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Tables should be arranged to allow social distancing (2m, or 1m+ with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) to be maintained between groups of customers. Take measures to ensure the handover of keys to property can be done in a socially distanced way, and clean keys between guests. Face coverings should be worn whenever social distancing may be difficult and people are likely to come into contact with people they do not normally meet. Saunas and steam rooms must remain closed. When your venue is permitted to open, you should follow all the steps set out in this document in order for your workplace to be COVID-secure. All guest accommodation can open for leisure stays. Social distancing applies to all parts of a premises where business is conducted, not just areas open to the public. It is against the law for you to knowingly require or encourage someone who is required to self-isolate to come to the workplace. Open doors, windows and air vents where possible, to improve natural ventilation. If this applies to your facility, you must ask every customer or visitor aged 16 and over to scan the NHS QR code using their NHS COVID-19 app or provide their name and contact details, not just a lead member of the group. Can hotels in Northern Ireland stay open? You can find more information in the guidance for out-of-school settings. making them private), or running a reservation-and-clean process (whereby one household can exclusively book the shared facilities for a fixed time, and the facilities are cleaned between reservations and kept well-ventilated). It also includes guidance for closed venues, which will help them to prepare for reopening when it is safe to do so. See the section on who should go to the workplace for more information. Enforcement action can be taken against businesses or organisations that do not comply with the law. This will also require the continued closure of any holiday lets or serviced accommodation within apartment buildings that share any of the facilities listed above. You can find more information in the section on protecting people at higher risk. You can find further information in the section on testing and vaccinations and in the guidance on coronavirus tests for employees. From 17 May, outdoor events organised by a business, charity, public body or similar organisation, will be permitted. Consider ways to minimise staff contacts and exposure, for example through staggered shifts and assigned staff mealtimes. You should ensure that workers are informed of relevant safety measures implemented or updated. Identify areas where people have to directly pass things to each other (such as equipment and supplies) and finding ways to remove direct contact, for example by using drop-off points or transfer zones. Consider whether you need to put in place any particular measures or adjustments to take account of your duties under the equalities legislation. In what has become a … See the section on who should go to the workplace for more information. There will be a traffic light system for international travel which rates countries as red, amber or green. Guests who are quarantining will be required to take tests during their stay. Check whether guests and staff need to wear face coverings in shared areas of the facility such as reception areas, self-service kitchens and TV or leisure rooms. The activity must be ticketed, and venues must have all relevant approvals and authorisations (e.g. The use of indoor toilets (and facilities such as baby changing rooms) is permitted, even if accessed through shared communal areas such as lifts/corridors. See the section on managing your facility for more information. Ensure workers who are required to self-isolate do not come into the workplace. These facilities can open even where the entrance is within the hotel and access is via shared indoor facilities such as lifts/corridors. Consider how you can inform visitors of any relevant guidance and changes to processes in advance of their visit, for example on your website, when booking by phone or email, and in your digital marketing. Everyone allowed to enter England from outside the Common Travel Area (Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man) must quarantine for 10 days and take COVID-19 tests on day 2 and day 8 of their quarantine. Where a school/college/further education/higher education facility is organising a visit with more than 30 pupils or students, they should split their group into more than one bubble. Indoor spas and personal care and wellness services are allowed to be open with health measures in place. Minimise contacts around transactions, for example by using contactless payments wherever possible. Where possible, you should work cooperatively with local authorities to provide accommodation to vulnerable groups, including the homeless. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Permitted venues (including guest accommodation) can host business meeting/event show-rounds, viewings and site visits for the purpose of viewing the venue for a future booking. It is against the law to prevent your staff from wearing a face covering where they are required to do so. If a site is not self-contained and therefore remains closed for leisure stays, permitted businesses or services can still operate on site and can be used by guests and by the general public. Customers must not consume takeaway food and drink on the premises or adjacent to the premises. Your risk assessment should also take into account the impact of your policies on groups who have protected characteristics, and to those who are more at risk of being infected with COVID-19 or have a higher risk of serious illness. There will be some types of accommodation where self-isolation would not be possible, for example if there are shared washing facilities or if the risk to the host, owner or staff cannot be mitigated. Those businesses that registered before 12 April 2021 can order free rapid lateral flow tests until 30 June 2021. Tests can be arranged at a testing site, or self-administered tests can be sent to their quarantine location. Keep these records of customers, visitors and staff for 21 days and provide data to NHS Test and Trace if requested. Payment should also be taken at the table or at another outdoor location. Where reasonably necessary, there is an exemption to the social contact limits for residential visits organised by schools, colleges, further education and higher education providers for educational or educational training purposes. For example, consider implementing non-contact deliveries where the nature of the product allows for use of electronic pre-booking. This also applies to any retail, leisure or hospitality areas of your accommodation facility, such as shops and restaurants. Overnight stays away from home are permitted under the new third national lockdown but only in specific circumstances. You can find more information on exempt activities in the business closures guidance. Consider other ways you can communicate relevant information to visitors throughout their visit, for example spoken communication from a greeter or reception staff, or designating staff as ‘social distancing champions’ to remind customers to follow relevant guidance. 2. - This also applies to outdoor hospitality facilities, such as restaurants, cafes and bars. Reducing the number of people each individual has contact with, for example by using fixed teams or partnering so that each person works with only a few others. Minimise customer self-service of food, cutlery and condiments, as well as contact between staff and guests. It will be updated ahead of further steps, which are set out in the roadmap. You could consult the health and safety representative selected by a recognised trade union or, if there isn’t one, a representative chosen by workers. This includes nominating a member of staff as the single point of contact (SPOC) who will contact local Public Health teams. Staff providing close-contact services (such as massage therapists and beauty treatments) must wear a face covering, and should follow the guidance on close contact services on any additional PPE they should wear (such as visors and specific types of face masks). The COVID-19 covid 19 Response Framework (colour-coded zones) is paused.. We must all follow temporary restrictions and public health and workplace safety measures. Encourage contactless payments where possible. Avoid face-to-face working wherever possible, for example by arranging desks/workspaces so that staff are back-to-back or side-to-side. The only exception is for people who are self-isolating or for anyone who would be homeless as a result. Regulate use of high-traffic areas including corridors, lifts, turnstiles and walkways to maintain social distancing. You should check frequently to ensure you maintain adequate supplies at all times, and ensure that any equipment placed is accessible to, and does not impede, wheelchair users. Only restaurants serving takeaway or delivery services can stay open in hotels. Take steps to minimise transmission risk when using corporate vehicles such as work minibuses. Wedding show-rounds, viewings and site visits can only take place at venues when the venue is permitted to open. You should provide and explain any relevant guidance to make sure people understand how to use your facility safely. These areas should be cleaned regularly and kept well-ventilated, and guests should try (where possible) to limit their interaction with other households whilst using these facilities. Make a checklist of all main touchpoints (such as door handles and surfaces) to be cleaned when guests vacate. Minimise non-essential travel – consider remote options first. You should maintain social distancing in the workplace wherever possible. You should also consider asking guests to wear face coverings in spaces where they aren’t required but may involve higher risk, such as an outdoor queue to a shared water-point. Where facilities such as pools and gyms are available on-site, these should not be used by the bubble at the same time that other guests are using them. A business that does not sell alcohol, but sells food and drink for consumption on or near the premises, does not need to provide table service. You should consider how best to mitigate these risks, and take the actions which are most appropriate for your organisation. Consider the needs of staff with protected characteristics, as social distancing may not be possible or will be more challenging for workers with certain disabilities (such as individuals in wheelchairs or with vision impairments). Ventilation into any building should be optimised to ensure a fresh air supply is provided to all areas of the facility and increased wherever possible. Those that did not register can pay an approved provider to provide tests or run a test site. This guidance does not cover managed quarantine for international travel from ‘red list’ countries from which travel to the UK is banned. You should consider how the guest’s booking will be managed, how they (and any other affected or exposed guests) will isolate, how meals and laundry will be arranged, and how to clean their accommodation after they have left. This includes completing a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks of COVID-19 in the workplace and identifying control measures to manage that risk. Your risk assessment will help you decide whether you have done everything you need to. Accommodation providers should provide rooms or dormitories to groups of the appropriate size identified in their risk assessment taking into account, amongst other things, the size of the room and the quality of the ventilation. Northern Ireland is currently in a four-week lockdown that commenced on 16 October. This is permitted provided that the only shared facilities used by guests at the campsite or caravan park are: receptions, washing facilities (including facilities for laundering clothes), public toilets, baby changing rooms, breastfeeding rooms, water points and waste disposal points. Last food orders should be made well in advance of the 10pm closure. See the section on reopening after a period of closure for more information. If staff are not legally required to wear face coverings, you should review the risks in your workplace, and assess the need for face coverings on a case-by-case basis. Funerals can be attended by up to 30 people. You can find more information in the section on ventilation and Health and Safety Executive guidance on ventilation and air conditioning. Hospitality venues may provide takeaway food and drinks. Maintain social distancing (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) when taking orders from customers. Ensure customers are aware of the legal limits on group sizes. You can find more information in the guidance for visitor economy settings and the organised events guidance for local authorities. You can find more information on how to operate shared facilities in the section on changes to facilities and services. Unless you are in a situation where the risk of COVID-19 transmission is very high, your risk assessment should reflect the fact that the role of PPE in providing additional protection is extremely limited. If a guest informs you they have tested positive for COVID-19 or they have symptoms of COVID-19: Advise the guest (and any relevant members of their family or party, such as those sharing a room) to immediately self-isolate where they are if possible (to minimise any further risk of transmission), to arrange an NHS test as soon as possible, and to return home if they reasonably can. You … This includes the use of shared facilities. However you should ensure drivers have to access welfare facilities when required. Consider how you can ensure this information is communicated to all of your customers, for example those who do not speak English as a first language, and those with protected characteristics (e.g. You can find more information in the section on ventilation and Health and Safety Executive guidance on ventilation and air conditioning. You should take reasonable steps to encourage guests to adhere to government restrictions, including informing them of the restrictions and any safety measures in place at your accommodation facility. 3.4 Queuing, capacity and avoiding crowds. You can find more information in the section on minimising transmission through contact. This includes venues such as theatres, cinemas and concert halls, and includes performance/screening areas within the premises of another venue such as a pub, hotel or holiday park. Consider using floor tape or paint to mark areas to help people socially distance. However, NHS Test and Trace will advise guests who test positive to inform their accommodation provider immediately so that you can take appropriate measures to minimise risk to staff and other guests. Provide floor markings and signage to remind both workers and customers to follow social distancing guidance wherever possible. — Ensure that there is no swapping between designated fixed teams. Saunas and steam rooms can reopen. Use simple messaging to explain guidelines using images and clear language, with consideration of those for whom English is not their first language. NHS Test and Trace will also get in touch with people who have been in close contact with the guest and advise them if they need to isolate. - Indoor and outdoor sport facilities (such as swimming pools and gyms), spas and personal care facilities, and retail facilities, may open for access by the public as well as for guests staying for legally permitted reasons. This guide will help those in the guest accommodation sector understand how to make their workplaces COVID-secure. In all sectors, Covid-secure guidance will remain in place and businesses may not cater for groups bigger than the legal limits." - You can find more information on these measures in the sections on changes to operations, changes to facilities and services and hospitality. As an employer, you must protect people from harm. For example, people are not required to wear face coverings in sport facilities, however they should be encouraged to wear face coverings in enclosed public areas when not engaging in sport or physical activity. This guidance was updated on 11 May to reflect Step 3 of the roadmap. You should take steps to ensure that good levels of hygiene are maintained throughout the facility. This includes people with a positive test, people who are advised to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace or the NHS COVID-19 app, and people required to self-isolate in relation to travel. You should carefully manage the number of visitors in your facility, and their movements, to ensure that social distancing (2 metres distance, or at least 1m with additional control measures where 2m is not possible) can be maintained between guests, and avoid risk of crowding. Set clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets to ensure they are kept clean and social distancing can be maintained, including putting up a visible and up-to-date cleaning schedule. It is a legal requirement for staff and customers to wear face coverings in some circumstances in settings like retail, leisure and hospitality venues (unless they have a valid reason not to wear one, such as a medical exemption). Overnight stays for holidays are not permitted. Good ventilation can reduce this risk. They are not required to let you know about their plans to take a test. For existing bookings, if guests are not able to take a planned holiday due to coronavirus restrictions, accommodation providers should give guests a chance to cancel their bookings. Customers must not consume takeaway food and drink on the premises or adjacent to the premises. You should check the guidance for, Outdoor hospitality such as restaurants, cafes and bars can open for the public as well as for guests staying for legally permitted reasons. This exemption extends to performance or screening areas within the premises of another venue such as a pub, hotel or holiday park. You should determine your own approach to taking bookings from quarantining or self-isolating guests, and consider how best to inform guests about your policy (for example during the booking or check-in process). Increase the frequency of cleaning for higher-risk areas (such as surfaces) and encourage frequent hand washing. You can find more information in the section on working with the public. It’s important that you continue to put measures in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, including maintaining social distancing, frequent cleaning, good hygiene and adequate ventilation, even if your employees have: Where you are providing testing on-site, you should ensure that workplace testing is carried out in a safe manner, and in an appropriate setting where control measures are in place to manage the risk of COVID-19 transmission during the testing process. These facilities were … Minimise unnecessary face-to-face contact by making staff accessible to guests via phone, emails and guest apps. If your facility is unsuitable for self-isolation (for example, if it has shared washing facilities, or there are risks to staff that cannot be mitigated), guests with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 should return home to self-isolate if they can. This can be natural ventilation through windows, doors and vents, mechanical ventilation using fans and ducts, or a combination of both. Customers must not consume takeaway food and drink on the premises or adjacent to the premises. This means the accommodation in which facilities (including kitchens, sleeping areas, bathrooms and indoor communal areas such as lounges, sitting areas, and any lifts, staircases or internal corridors used to access the accommodation) are restricted to exclusive use of a single household/bubble. Shared shower facilities are permitted but should only be used where social distancing can be managed. While you cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19, you need to think about the risks your staff and others face and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them. Detailed advice in a four-week lockdown that commenced on 16 October visitors of the 10pm closure be made the... 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