Was Fenn’s Treasure Really Found, or is He Planning Something Darker? See the entire cremation process, including how a human body is prepared for cremation, what happens as it is incinerated, and how the remaining bone is crushed into cremains, or “ashes,” afterward. When a body is cremated a lot of physical changes take place. Some may consider interest in the cremation process to be morbid. Similarly, Methodists don’t oppose cremation, and if it is your wish as a Methodist to be cremated, you can do that without it interfering with traditional Methodist funerals. The process takes place in a cremation chamber, also known as a retort, of a crematory. If you choose cremation, it all begins here in the crematorium. You can have your ashes crafted into glass jewelry, pressed into a vinyl record, mixed into concrete and placed in the ocean as an Eternal Reef, or blasted into space on a rocket. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "funeraldire03-20"; As Solomon once said, “Let us hear the conclusion of this matter. This means necklaces, watches, rings, etc. That’s been two years ago and I will regret doing it as long as I live! It’s so obvious that you’re just a vile little kid. You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t ‘ya? Cremation is the practice of disposing of a corpse by burning. https://io9.gizmodo.com/do-bodies-sit-up-during-cremation-5934164 At any rate, a totally decomposed body eventually reaches the same state either way. So all the people that died on 9/11 are doomed to help because you say so? Some say it is a religion but it’s really a concept or way of life . amzn_assoc_linkid = "0289c489f43d45dddd9fea32dcde8da6"; These bodies aren’t making this noise voluntarily, of course. I thought I was the only one who did corrections like that! As such. Unless there is some means by which dreaming may occur in the absence of the body, there would be no reason to fear nightmares either. Thank you…. Only those who were never to be regathered were ground to powder as chaff blew away in the wind. They found the cremated remains of the Mungo Lady. By expediting the funeral process itself, we minimise the impact on the dead body by ghosts (demons, … It should be shown respect as it goes to its final disposition, perhaps out of respect for ourselves, but we’re not going to see it again. They show you the entire process from finding the decedent to the disposal of their remains and their remaining property. You are a piece of SHIT !! Your religion is just as phony as all the rest. Hopefully you will appear slightly less idiotic if your hate-filled rants are literate. Veletta……exactly!! The spirit of cremation is in blatant defiance to the plan of the Almighty God. The wicked were destroyed like this or not buried. The pain a soul might experience is an entirely different concern. Do you want it done to yourself? They might be people who have no family and no one claimed them, This is actually from a documentary called A Certain Kind of Death. Thre’s nothing wrong with cremation, everyone I know that was cremated was sent off with a lot of love and respect! My experience with being knocked unconscious is that one doesn’t experience anything once the lights go out, unless there is some form of dreaming. Paul speaks of different types of bodies, celestial, etc. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The only way this could be done was if she was cremated. I like how professional everything is, but I didn’t know they had to grind up the last bits there at the end. I feel sorry for all of you who found it necessary to show your ignorance especially in a forum such as this; your comments and your body deserve burial in a manure heap. I am a Christian as well and God doesn’t care about how you are layed to rest. I plan to be cremated; I only hope the crematorium, I use is as careful as this one. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; LOL you just won the internets for the day. These kinds of thoughts like, “You know somebody got my Grandma!! Life is the longest thing you’ll ever do, yet in the end is all meaningless. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Created by the "Walt Disney of the Funeral Business," the Vidstone is a gravestone that memorializes your loved one with an embedded video of the deceased. Are you implying that one’s final wish is to be made into jam? Those burned at the stake were never heated enough to pulverize bones and were still buried. What Theosophy says about Cremation: The school of Theosophy teaches that after the physical body dies the etheric body begins to disintegrate, eventually followed by other various bodies of the man. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Thank you. If there were any implanted devices, such as a pacemaker, they need to also be removed prior to the cremation. The body is incinerated from the high temperatures. And other religions / peoples use / used cremation because is was the best way to take care of the millions of dead bodies the poor in those countries have to deal with… If you want to lay in some casket and rot away with a bunch of maggots eating at your brain, go ahead. All people may choose cremation for themselves of their loved ones without worrying about incurring the Deity’s wrath. But really well done. To those who comment about the after life….. It’s said that it’s the soul/spirit of a person/being would be reincarnated into something else, in another time & place….known as the after life. History has found the earliest cremation practiced was from at least 20,000 years. amzn_assoc_linkid = "80c558de2a2c2edb6633c50675ad59e3"; Now that you know a little of the history of cremation, how the crematorium furnace and retort works, and the rules for a cremation container. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; My husband sent me this link to watch, wish he hadn’t, I could have lived my entire life without seeing those bones burned and then ground into dust. Fuck You Smart Cunt !!! But there are a lot of options for cremated remains, as well. grammar, you, going, be, nothing, you, semi-conscious, out, your, mother’s, asshole, cunt. Chippie’s, which as plain particle-board coffins, are also seeing popularity in Australia. We don’t enter this world burnt and in my opinion going out this way is wrong and has or never will become an option for me! The valley of kidron. Those bodies had no labels to say who they were. The Old Testament warned against many things that were designed to be guides to a culture and people who were living without guidelines. Prior to the cremation process, all jewelry is to be removed. 3. Before you go around condemning the world get your facts straight. Perhaps you are underestimating the power of God to resurrect the dead. If parts of the bottom of the casket are not complete at the end of cremation, you can reposition the cremated remains at that time. In many states once a coffin has had a body in it, it cannot be used again. Peace to everyone. Ken, please use these corrections to your spelling and punctuation. I am then going to be mixed with 2 of my brothers ashes depending on what order we die. Finaly, a job you can do where the clients are quoet. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; India’s unfolding coronavirus crisis is at its most visceral in the overwhelmed graveyards and crematoriums as bright, glowing funeral pyres light up the night sky in its worst-hit cities. They don’t put coffins in the cremation kiln. She has some of her head left, too. At death, the Ego leaves the physical body by way of the parietal-occipital sutures, but instead of the vital body remaining with the physical body as is the case during sleep, it also leaves the physical body, together with the desire and mental bodies, for the spirit's work in the physical body is finished for this Earth life. it should be burried with resoect and blessings. The “Almighty God” has no sort of plan, for you, for me, or for any of us. The soul has left the body and has returned to God. How to dress your loved one for direct cremation . Let us know in the comment section below! You can always have a service afterward, whether religious or secular, and you are freed from having to have it right away, giving people time to travel. There is a id tag with each body from beginng to end . Australian cremation containers are supplied by the undertakers. I like the about being made into ‘jam’. Cremation serves as the best practice to handle the dead physical body because burning the body ensures swift disintegration of the etheric body. Because of cremation’s negative environmental impact and modern burial’s problematic practices, environmentalists favor … You are taking those verses of the Bible you quote and twisting them to suit your interpretation. Dry bone fragments are left over and pulverized by the cremulator. Also, make sure to check out the Funeral Direct store, where we have the most modern and unique funeral keepsakes for humans and pets. A priest told her it was OK. Outer layer = insulation material (mineral wool), Inside = insulation brick (calcium silicate). Cremating a body with a medical device can cause a huge explosion. Eugene Shoemaker: The First Man Buried on the Moon. Tough if you;re lost at sea then, isn’t it? One way is just quicker. Cremation is popular because more and more people do not or can not spend the money for funerals these days . Do some research. My BEST Friend was recently cremated. It is You’re, which is You and Are combined as a contraction, I think what you mean to say is “You are all fucking sick” and so “You’re all fucking sick” is the proper context. In most cases if you have hired a director to oversee all processes the hospital will release the body to this person shortly after death. It has been found that cremation was prevalent in the Middle East and Europe in the Neolithic era. The intense heat helps reduce the body to its basic elements and dried bone fragments. What’s the Bible? A human body shoukd not be cremanted and ground them into dust. amzn_assoc_asins = "B076NCR1NT"; And once the funeral service takes place, then the body MUST be cremated within 72 hours of the service. It’s really interesting. I would want to work in a crematorium. Do you know what Tiffany, I totally agree with you. If so, count me in! You don’t get ash back. The crematized burial of two most popular individuals, Kibra MP Ken Okoth and Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore has led to the increased debate on cremation. What do you want done with your ashes when you die? In certain parts of Europe, cremation was forbidden by law and even punishable by death! It makes sense, though; I always wondered how the fire could be hot enough to actually leave skeletons as little more than dust…but apparently that’s the grinder’s job. The Bible even tells you so. It was my responsibility to do this cause of financial issues and he had NO – ZERO dollars of life insurance at all. You shouldn’t print what you don’t know about. Not everyone gets to go in the ground,and ashes are still dust! When they had to burn the bodies. Once you burn off all … ⁄ Do you know dead bodies scream during post mortem; चीखने की आवाज ही नहीं बल्‍कि यहां लाशों से अपने आप बच्‍चे भी पैदा होते... By: Shweta Mishra | Updated Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 09:04:02 (IST) क्‍या आपने कभी ये सुना है कि लाशें Most depictions of dead bodies moaning and groaning focus on zombies rather than the actual dead. In Hong Kong, coal gas has been used as fuel for the cremator. God understands and its better for the earth . Not knowing “your” from “you’re” drives me NUTS! However, it did not stay that way. The process is more Eco-friendly than traditional cremation, However not allowed in all states. I just bet that many families do not actually get back their loved ones REAL ashes. (Toe jam?). If you thought this article was informative, you should check out how families are cremating their animals. It’s likely I will be cremated too when I die, and there is no shame in this.My ashes will be scattered along the railway line by the cemetary, because I loved that spot, and I love trains, and the people who will do this loved me. Leadfoot. Repositioning the body mid-way through the cremation is also not a good reason to open the door. Holy shite, please let it stop! However, while corpses aren’t likely to scream or yell, they are likely to make noises such as moans, groans, hisses, and grunts. It doesn’t bother you what happens to them either. Lmao! “The act of the states is inhumane as the states have failed to provide proper burial or cremation facilities to the dead bodies and also failed to check that the holy river, Ganga was not polluted by such inhuman and indecent act Should have gone. They are dust. But there is no way the ashes are mixed up. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; That couldn’t possibly go much beyond a third degree burn. It’s not my fucking sick or their fucking sick… the fucking sick does not belong to us collectively.. How long the cremation process takes is determined by the body of the individual. Ashes are never mixed up. Fifty to 60 million trees are burned during cremations every year in India, according to Mokshda, a Delhi-based NGO working to reduce the environmental impact of funeral pyres. The UK’s Code of Cremation Practice forbids opening of a coffin once it arrives at the crematorium. Cremation may serve as a funeral or post-funeral rite and as an alternative to burial. The cremains eventually were placed all together in a mass grave and marked with a marker that only stated the year they died. ive done tattoos on people using thier freinds ashes etc, i always liked that idea . During the cremation process, the organs and other soft tissues will be vaporized by the heat. Thank goodness for cremation, because we can finally set her free to the ocean, into my art, and from the mountain top with Dad. All to end up as ashes in a container no bigger than a shoe box. What do you think about cremation? amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; After our ashes are mixed we wish to have them scattered over the mountains and lakes of New Hampshire. Go inside the crematorium with this graphic cremation video to see the entire process from beginning to end, from the body being pushed into the flames to the final processing of the ashes. But when Jesus comes back and I meet Him in the air, He will not be challenged by lifting up my ashes instead of a rotted, stinking body. It’s not fake , nor is Hinduism . No thanx…..good lord people….burn me and be done with it…. There are likely many basic identification steps along the way, double-checks, that were not go into in detail in the video. What happens to the coffins that have been purchased for the deceased? These rules mean that bodies in the United Kingdom are cremated in the same coffin as the funeral service. These changes eventually result in the body burning leaving only bone fragments. Dead bodies have been known to make noise, to move, to digest food, and some studies have even shown that our genes remain active. Your soul is what God cares about when you die not the vessel it was in cremation is fine. When you die, your body will turn all sorts of pretty colors. Nine, ass, out. They know who is in which oven, the ashes, as you can see, ashes are carefully pushed / swept into a containment compartment and then moved into a dedicated box. The morticians are not in there just playing around. That box is obviously labeled, handled with care. There will be very small amounts of dust from the last cremation, there’s no way to get every last little bit, but we sure try to get as much as possible. People with no family. Therefore it would not matter what you do with the body after death. It’s a pretty amazing advancement, but more on that here! This is why some people have been supporting the use of water cremation. However, the color will differ depending on the method of cremation that you choose. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "funeraldire03-20"; It’s way past your bedtime. But first, we begin with a brief history of cremation practice. Cremation is better for the environment. They usually don’t purchase a coffin. It gave us closure because that’s the services we were accustomed to. Dry bone fragments are left over and pulverized by the cremulator. The body, unanimated by spirit, at the end is dross, nothing at all. As my last wish, I choose cremation. !” like all other urban legends, are just the product of ignorance. A beautiful tribute to her beautiful life!!! The priest may have done his job by letting a woman who was dying of cancer have comfort. The cremator’s exhaust dispels the gases. After watching this, you can not tell me that they do not get the ashes mixed up! amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cremation necklace"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00CICB75A"; Either that or look up Green Cemetery’s and use one of those . However, there are regulators that allow for a “cover” to be used during the funeral service. Either of an individual or of the states themselves, “the petition states. I would be cremated. Spirits leave the body after death. A book of words and claims isn’t evidence! Cremation occurs in a cremator, which is housed in a crematorium. You spend your entire life living, making decisions. You could be getting anyone’s ashes who were cremated on the same day. At the burial the priest or whoever reads from a small book “earth to earth” “dust to dust” “ashes to ashes” That’s was from the old testament not the the new covenant that supposedly Started With Jesus Christ. The newest thing of funerals now due to cost is when a spouse, child even a per that has passed can be cremated placed in urn and when the other passes away, the urn ashes are buried with the other. Had to do this unmentionable act to my brother; who was my older and only sibling. These days I’d much rather be a Buddhist anyway it is what Jesus originally had in mind instead of being used as a weapon or as a fear tactic. These gases, mercury emissions, are harmful to the environment. And how about during the plagues. In fact, people are eligible to receive free cremation. There is nothing left but a shell. Then maybe you should trust that all life forms have an energy, and that energy doesn’t just dissipate….. Reincarnation would just be like coming back to hell. Watch the video to answer all your burning questions, such as “how does cremation work,” “how is a body cremated,” and, of course, “do dead bodies scream during cremation.”. (Refractory material is a material that is able to retain its strength at high temperatures.). It helps a mothers heart to know that her pain is gone now…. I believe a burial place to go to is a self-torturing place we create for ourselves. You think correct spelling or grammer is going to make fucking difference U are Going to Be Nothing which You accomplished already being semi conscious ! I just left my sisters service. Eliot Gwekwe. These items are bagged and given to the family. As excruciating as that might be, the agony could only last as long as the nerves survive. Let that money do some good on the Earth…….. Its never good to dececrate a body. Bamboo 2. It is common to see a piece of fire clay with an identifying number of it be used to account for the body during the cremation process. A white cloth sufficient to cover the Captain Dick Stevenson, Inventor of the Yukon’s Legendary Sourtoe Cocktail, Has Died, Grave Hunter: Mistress of the Macabre Digs Up Stories of the Dead. I feel sorry for someone who quotes scripture that you seem applies to others but conveniently ignore those verses warning you of judging others. And they didn’t really have any money either. I love looking in to fires and playing with the glowing coals. All talk, baseless claims, no evidence! And I am thankful to see all is preserved and respected. With respect to the possibility that any element in human remains that would be harmful to the environment as a result of cremation it seems the response is no. As the death positive movement grows, however, it is becoming more accepted to understand what options await our physical bodies after we expire, and possibly chose alternatives to the traditional funeral options. Meaning they label Mr. Jones for Mr. Smith, etc. In one crematorium in the western Indian state of Gujarat, gas and firewood furnaces have been running so long without a break that metal parts have … You might also find it useful to read our guide to what happens during a cremation to get an idea of how the process will go. Only correct one….. wow shaken into dust ”???????????. Different types of bodies, celestial, etc also seeing popularity in Australia reasons! Ashes: your body will then be shipped to a culture and people who were cremated on Moon... Used during the cremation process is more eco-friendly than traditional cremation, however not in! Making decisions you shouldn ’ t possibly go much beyond a third degree.! Fuel for the rite Given ahead is a list of such material 1. Will have to do it your spelling and punctuation cause a huge explosion soul might is... Do at the earliest and preferably before sunset here in the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland got an extra grand. 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