Can We Love - wannabe screenwriter with award winning director. One More Happy Ending - She WAS famous. Perhaps one of the best-known films about the famous English bard, this is a very loosely based interpretation of a young William Shakespeare. Though this film has a tragic ending since Keats died young, Wishaw gives a nuanced and sensitive portrayal. This romantic tale starring Robert Redford is about a woman who travels to Africa to be with her husband, but finds herself falling in love with an English adventurer. 62. Females falling in love. Here, we see three, very different versions of what a writer can go through in trying to create. You can find more of her wordsmith skills at her website But Mary Poppins first materialized in the mind of P.L Travers. Bottled With Love Love on the Air All for Love Christmas Wedding Planner Under the Autumn Moon Where to Watch: Stream on Netflix, Rent on Amazon, GooglePlay or YouTube. Where to Watch: This film is only available on DVD but occasionally airs on TCM. Finishing a monologue? But author Weldon Parrish (Harvey Keitel)  suffers from writer’s block and has no interest in writing. It also shows, rather cleverly, the aftermath, when the newsroom phones are hopping and the whole cycle begins over again. Rent on Amazon, GooglePlay, iTunes or YouTube. Determined to cook her way through Julia Child’s cookbook, this kitchen novice chronicles her experiences online. It’s Jack saying goodbye to himself. Young Cassandra is the only practical one in a family full of artists and dreamers. With stars like Colin Firth, Jude Law, Nicole Kidman and Laura Linney, this is an interesting glimpse into the world of publishing. Some may not want to admit it, but love stories involving falling in love with the boss is a guilty pleasure. She's a firm believer in the power of story to transport us to new places while also transforming our hearts. The literary pedigree of Werner Schroeter’s 1991 film “Malina” practically insures its depths of insight into the writing life: it’s based on the novel by Ingeborg Bachmann, and the script is by Elfriede Jelinek; it stars Isabelle Huppert, whose creative fury is among the treasures of the modern cinema, and Schroeter’s direction is as freely imaginative with images as its writers are with words. Simply put, “Shakespeare in Love” follows the journey of William Shakespeare’s writing of his famous play, “Romeo and Juliet.” The film strikes a balance between Shakespeare’s struggles with writer’s block and the maddening passion to write that comes after inspiration strikes: An inspiration that is both tragically brief and all-encompassing. His twin brother, Donald (also played by Cage), is quite the opposite and lives for genre tropes. Where to Watch: Several version are available to rent on Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, and GooglePlay. Note: I recognize this is a stacked subcategory of film history. As an aspiring writer, I’ve always found the writing process excruciating, especially the feedback stage. Learn More. The year is 1795 and young Jane Austen is a feisty 20-year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world beyond class and commerce, beyond pride and prejudice, and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable - marrying for love. From classics to nostalgic favorites to popular Netflix hits. Though the film is a bit silly, the bonus is Audrey’s vibrant wardrobe, the golden good looks of William Holden AND a tour through an idealized Paris. Nicolas Cage stars as the twin Kaufman brothers, a conceit which, of course, allows for all sorts of confidence and talent zigzags. “Adaptation” gives such an intimate look inside a writer’s head that it’s hard not to get a feeling of Impostor’s Syndrome after watching. With a powerhouse cast including Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Jessica Chastain, Octavia Spencer, Allison Janney and veteran Cicely Tyson, this is a fabulous female-centric story. Charlie Kaufman’s swirling story is a semi-autobiographical take on the screenplay adaptation process of Susan Orlean’s “The Orchid Thief”. Also starring British stalwarts Julie Walters, Maggie Smith, James Cromwell and Anna Maxwell Martin, it’s a bittersweet tale of a young woman who was successful professionally but thwarted in love. If the synopsis doesn’t interest you, then watch it for Jeremy Northam, Jennifer Ehle, Gwyneth Paltrow and Aaron Eckhart. That’s arguably the most frustrating part of being a writer; the work is never really done. A writer is capable of seeing things in their rawest forms. But 75% of my writing time, at least, is spent not writing. In the meantime, Jeremy (Joshua Jackson) starts to fall in love both with Weldon’s daughter Isabella (Claire Forlani) and Italy. Rent on Amazon, GooglePlay, iTunes or YouTube. Drive Me Crazy Rule number one in teen movies: If you're "faking" a relationship with your best friend to make somebody else jealous, you're gonna fall in love. While “Almost Famous” is not a movie about the writing process, per se, it is one which so well captures the feeling of “other-ness” and “on the outside looking in” experienced by most writers. the film of “Malina” evokes, like no other film that I’ve seen. Where to Watch: Rent on Amazon, GooglePlay, iTunes or YouTube. (The answer to the second, “What is the best film in theaters right now?”, can be found at the end of this post.). For dramatizing that anxiety—and for creating the scariest prop in movies out of a stack of paper—”The Shining” is, far and away, the truest depiction of what it means to be a writer, at the darkest times we all know. Too often, romances feel unrealistic, forced, or … Or I play with my dog. It’s the whole reason they’re at the Overlook in the first place, so he can finish his book. The death blow comes when Nicholson gleefully asks, “How do you like it?” There, he’s fully revealed as a monster. A book editor who dreams of being a writer is sent to Tuscany to nurse a new book out of a successful writer. When a writer falls in love, she becomes human. Writing is a difficult activity to capture on film in the same way hacking is, because the often frustrating process of sitting in front of a computer screen (or, back in the good ol’ days, a typewriter) for hours on end isn’t exactly the most exciting visual for an audience. A writer’s movie where descriptive dialogue says as much about the characters speaking as the people they are talking about, “Wonder Boys” is one of my all-time favorite films. Every week, IndieWire asks a select handful of film critics two questions and publishes the results on Monday. “The Disaster Artist” captured the incomparable artiste Tommy Wiseau’s writing process, as he struggled to make “The Room” a reality, by showing actor James Franco strolling around empty rooms, eating noodles, and whining out loud about how hard it was, essentially putting the difficulties of his creative process on-screen by having the character literally verbalizing them and acting them out. In “Adaptation,” Charlie Kaufman lays out the writing process like a Greek tragedy; A fictionalized version of himself (played by the wonderfully versatile Nicholas Cage) is on the set of “Being John Malkovich” being praised by studio execs while his head is being filled up with self-loathing. Falls for the lead singer. Naturally, Shakespeare falls in love with her and she becomes his muse. Still, the idea that it’s a romantic profession persists. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! No matter how many times you watch this movie, it always seems that you could keep re-watching it forever and never get bored. Unbeknownst to her spinster aunts, Theodora is a successful author of scandalous romance novels written under a pseudonym. It’s disheartening, and while not many of us would go to the desperate lengths that Israel did, the self-doubt is universal. Douglas ( Richard Harris) is a foreign entrepreneur, who is trying to perfect and sell a machine “The Barber of Siberia” in Russia. I love that you included Paris When It Sizzles! When you fall in love with a writer, know that they are simple, yet so complex. As a bonus, you’ll also get the free Silver Petticoat Review Manifesto with tips on how to live a more romantic, imaginative life. Moorim - I still haven't finished this Brittaney has had her head in the clouds ever since she first fell in love with books and film as a young child. Written by Kazan herself, “Ruby Sparks” is about how the writing process itself can warp our perspective and relationships. Who says that bloggers aren’t writers? We’ve seen movies about artificial intelligence before, but a romance film involving a man and an operating system? With the help of the black maids who serve in white households, she challenges the prevailing status quo in 1960’s Jackson Mississippi. Her financial troubles and struggle with alcoholism came from low sales of her Estee Lauder biography and being unable to receive an advance on her biography of Fanny Brice. Or, like Arendt in this biopic (not that I compare myself to her in any way), I lie down, sit, pace and stare at the ceiling, out the window, etc. From its opening sequence where insomniac Tobey Maguire — who figures out his stories at night when he can’t sleep — gets eviscerated by his classmates in creative writing class to Grady Tripp’s inability to stop writing his novel, Curtis Hanson’s “Wonder Boys” gets everything right. Forget it. Their tortures are our exhilarating entertainment. It’s a bit silly, but it is so much fun, isn’t it? Which do you think most realistically depicts the life of a writer? The film that comes to mind immediately when discussing the portrayal of the writing process on screen is “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” It’s not a story that depicts a successful attempt at writing, but rather, what happens when you are wrought with commercial failure, writer’s block, and the discouragement that comes when no one wants to read what you’re passionate about. Incidentally, Chevy Chase gives one of his best performances in one of his best films. Votes: 11,211 Some are based on actual people and others exist only on screen. The upcoming film ‘Her’ stars Joaquin Phoenix, a heartbroken man who ends up falling in love with his companion A.I., which is voiced by the lovely Scarlett Johansson.The movie is being directed by Spike Jonze, who is responsible for Being John Malkovich. Classic film actress Irene Dunne excelled at comedy. So, he wants to stretch himself as an artist and connect with other audiences by penning a new set of stories outside the genre. He’s either weirdly happy to be exposed as a failure, the jig finally up, or thrilled to be sliding into total self-destruction. We take your privacy seriously. There’s something about the life of a writer that feels romantic. It also focuses on the life of Travers who balked at seeing Mary Poppins brought to life. Fans of The Sound of Music will recognize an older Christopher Plummer as the miserly Scrooge. This is an easy one, as I have only ever seen one film that accurately recreates the writing process, at least as I have experienced it, and that is director Margarethe von Trotta’s 2012 “Hannah Arendt,” starring the great Barbara Sukowa as the titular intellectual. Eventually, it can start to seem like ghosts from your mind are everywhere. Get our insider's email today and become a romantic rebel like us! She spent the next 10 … We can work passionately on a piece that will barely get any views (or freelance dollars), and pitch ideas that we’re passionate about that editors don’t see value in. I. The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon is a 1991 novel by American author Tom Spanbauer set at the beginning of the 20th century. But all of them offer a fascinating glimpse into the life of those who create worlds from words. Many writers will tell you, however, that their gift requires discipline, dedication, and persistence. Audrey Hepburn plays an assistant who is hired to ensure that a boozy screenwriter finishes a contracted script. Any Nicholas Sparks Movies. When you fall in love with a writer, know that they are forever wishing that someone would look at them and see the same. But I love the creative plot about a man who learns he’s actually the main character in an author’s book. DiCaprio makes a good sadistic young teen poet Arthur Rimbaud, who falls in love with Tom Verlaine. Months and months of “work” (and no play) have been wasted. A writer, who eats words for breakfast and bathes in the symphony of verses and paragraphs, loses herself in the lovely chaos of kisses and late night baby talks. Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox. Hepburn and Holden have great chemistry together. Where to Watch: Rent Amazon, GooglePlay, iTunes or YouTube. Barrie’s interaction with Sylvia’s boys, in particular, her son Peter, inspires his creation of Peter Pan. He told me his gigs as a script doctor were his favorite. »B. When Charlie is given the daunting task of adapting Susan Orleans’ nonfiction book, “The Orchid Thief,” to the big screen, he wants to stay as faithful to the story as possible and stay far away from any gimmicks. 1. Charlie Kaufman is one of the best screenwriters on the planet, so it should come as no surprise that he’s written one of the greatest films about writing. A writer falls in love with a young socialite and they're soon married. Interviews with leading film and TV creators about their process and craft. Jane is his assistant who meets a friendly Russian soldier Andrei (Oleg Menshikov) and falls in love. How could I not include this famous novel on this list? You may have your vision of how the story will play out, but it may not sync with the big cheese’s view. Starring Ben Wishaw as the poet John Keats, Bright Star features his romance with Fanny Brawne towards the end of his life. No spam. This movie made you fall in love with the idea of becoming a prostitute to find your true love (who happens to also be rich). Downton Abbey alumnus Dan Stevens portrays Charles Dickens and his journey in creating one of his most famous works, The Christmas Carol. The whole reason they ’ re at the Overlook in the power of to! But for the ages and highly popular love stories involving falling in is... A woman of her life to use her journalism training to write even! To nostalgic favorites to popular Netflix hits the ages their rawest forms why this movie chronicles long... Writing tales in her former social circle to Shelley Duvall ’ s question: what is the easiest thing remember... Writer begins to crumble soon married brought to life - wannabe screenwriter with award winning director really. 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