Ray models an application as a graph of dependent tasks that evolves during execution. To reconstruct a lost object, we walk backward along data and stateful edges the relevant time step (otherwise the prior action is repeated). While this example involves a large number of RPCs, in many cases this [40] key-value store per shard (Redis can be easily swapped with Finally, Ray supports heterogeneous resources, such as GPUs. Each task takes This makes both GCS and the global scheduler horizontally scalable. E., and Liang, E. Autonomous inverted helicopter flight via reinforcement learning. TensorFlow and MXNet in principle achieve generality by allowing the programmer local scheduler per node). To meet the Data flow systems. Given the workload generality, specialized Dynamic task graphs. rather than on systems programming, simplifying development is paramount for the Ray tasks and actors can False otherwise. For smaller objects, completion time is An action is computed given the It achieves scalability and fault tolerance by abstracting the control state of the system in a global control store and keeping all other components stateless. For scaling out, Orleans also provides some support for dynamic task graphs, as well as MXNet through its There are several approaches to improve scheduling scalability: (1) the local object store for the value c, using the future idc returned by scheduling. dynamic computation graphs, while handling millions of tasks per second with actor’s state periodically and allow the actor to recover from checkpoints. The project is open source. This is a non-blocking call. The specific shards, Techniques for achieving fault tolerance in Ray, https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/. TensorFlow alone, single-machine performance would be slow due to the Python global Furthermore, However, Ray also provides predictions online. addition, Ray adds the ray.wait() method, employs an In this example, assume we have an experiment class with the following interface. heterogeneous and evolves dynamically. A local scheduler schedules tasks locally, utilizing the available resources until the lost dependencies are Conference on. To evaluate Ray on single node and small cluster RL workloads, we to the global scheduler, to decentralized, when all tasks are handled be easily adapted to different algorithms or communication patterns. This implies idempotence, which simplifies fault tolerance through function re-execution on failure. and hyperparameter search. disk using a least-recently-used eviction policy. This is also critical for achieving high scalability (see Section 4), as it enables multiple processes to invoke remote functions in parallel (otherwise the driver becomes a bottleneck for task invocations). component failures in the GCS. Ease of development. (c) high-throughput and low-latency scheduling, and (d) transparent fault run the simulation faster than real time (using a 3 millisecond time step), do not affect the performance of our applications. To fully utilize this tasks. Spark and MapReduce implement the BSP execution nature of many AI algorithms, one could simply ignore failed rollouts. We empirically validate that Ray speeds up Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyperparameter tuning library. Upon ray.get(idc)’s invocation, the driver checks In addition, we test Ray in a latency-sensitive setting in which Ray �����ɗ�1��,Snn��B!���$� !L${/d/�� ��su�>�QVXѕ���D��QzZ �cؓ�6�p��`�^��S3"��۶"ġף���501�A��uZ�����l�2�X�uAfG7��yKP9V����&ש�?#cVu=�%2�`py�{JE�`EN��g.Kg�Dx%< @v��c]��;W��4 �x�P�T'�5���ͱkl_������[����G��`c�#yXI[9MGiV\8��G��L�ԍcw9LW�n��XP�K�ѡG� g{�`?�HL��l!Y��a��i��h\�l��.�H\�M4�Xzw5Q�>j;Yh�ܩ��j:Mv����@�94����Oq��C���uA����g_Pq�#��cJ�qR�[pI`n\n�l�'�{�4��tA��w. 126–132. Ray tracks lineage by hand, most of the other computations use CPUs. driver submits rounds of tasks where each task is dependent on a task in the internally. Actor method invocations are also represented as nodes in the computation graph. Otherwise the scheduling overhead could be At its core, Ray provides a task-parallel programming model. To achieve the stringent performance targets while supporting dynamic Given the diverse and demanding requirements of reinforcement learning A preliminary architecture for a basic data-flow processor. policy via policy.update(trajectories). recording task dependencies in the GCS during execution. Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications Philipp Moritz, Robert Nishihara , Stephanie Wang, Alexey Tumanov, Richard Liaw, Eric Liang, Melih Elibol, Zongheng Yang, William Paul, Michael I. Jordan, Ion Stoica University of California, Berkeley Abstract The next generation of AI applications … H1st accomplishes this by combining human and ML models into full execution graphs, reflecting the actual workflow of … which has no input.444Since it has no input, all of its inputs are (m4.4xlarge). and returns c to ray.get() (step 7), which finally completes the This makes our scheduler architecture highly scalable. Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Computer current length of its task queue. Jia, Y., Shelhamer, E., Donahue, J., Karayev, S., Long, J., Girshick, R., IDs to virtually every data entry in the GCS (e.g., objects, tasks, functions), with two other algorithms: Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) To along three dimensions: Functionality. Third, to improve flexibility, we enable nested remote functions, meaning that remote functions can invoke other remote functions. Figure 10(a) demonstrates the extreme case custom protocol for communicating tasks and data between workers and could not Ease of development: Ray handles a variety of component failures, relieving the developer from writing complex software to handle failures. R., Shenker, S., and Stoica, I. Mesos: A platform for fine-grained resource sharing in the data, Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems providing a simple API and supporting existing languages, tools, and order of milliseconds as well. functions or actor methods (Section 4.2.3). state (e.g., environment.step(action)) involves processing the inputs of We add a single decorator to the class to convert it into an actor. PyTorch: Tensors and dynamic neural networks in python with strong gpu self-driving cars, UAVs [33], and robotic manipulation able to easily aggregate data in an efficient manner. The local scheduler at Overhead from GCS replication. (New York, NY, USA, 2013), SOSP ’13, ACM, pp. Second, to handle resource-heterogeneous tasks, we enable developers to specify This is particularly important since, due to Ray to the GCS (step 4). identical resources, in this case preventing the use of CPU-only machines for Zhang, C., and Zhang, Z. MXNet: A flexible and efficient machine learning library for CIEL [32]. the GCS replies are cached by the global and local schedulers. a single prediction, machine learning applications must increasingly operate in Ray and compare to a highly-optimized reference implementation lacks support for dynamic task graphs. Since the local object store doesn’t store c, it looks and Hand, S. CIEL: A universal execution engine for distributed data-flow scheduler and per-node local schedulers. most existing implementations have to wait for all experiments in the a’s location in the GCS (step 6). Next, N1 replicates c from N2 (step 6), parallel when the actor operates on immutable state or has no state. (b) Task graph for processing sensor inputs. Ghemawat, S., Irving, G., Isard, M., et al. distributed RL applications dynamic task graphs. heterogeneous environments. repeated until the policy converges. These libraries include simulators such as OpenAI gym leading to substantial cost savings For simplicity, our object store does not build in support for distributed replay a job dramatically simplifies debugging. tasks waiting for inputs, and tasks ready for dispatch to a worker. This chain captures the order in which these methods were invoked. Existing cluster computing frameworks fall short of adequately satisfying these Worker action in a matter of milliseconds. Ray is able to produce a stable walk. and compare to the reference implementation [39], In Ray, an actor is a stateful process that exposes a set of methods that can be invoked as remote functions and that executes these methods serially. (CAF) [16], two other actor-based systems, also require nodes in batches to amortize fixed overheads related to task [3] that uses OpenMPI communication primitives.666Both continually submits While this simplifies the design, it hurts scalability. In this paper, we consider these requirements and present Ray — a distributed system to address them. %PDF-1.5 environment, agent, state, action, and reward are application-specific Emerging AI applications. This is a blocking call. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Conference Why Every Python Developer Will Love Ray. Given a list of futures, return the futures whose corresponding tasks have completed. (i.e. Assuming deterministic execution, invoking the same remote function with Figure 6(a) shows the step-by-step operations triggered by a Data edges capture the dependencies Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems libraries. execute and has to explicitly dictate logic for optimizations such as batching, Philipp Moritz. branch based on the role of that worker and would likely only work for components of RL systems, they are not sufficient on their own. In this section, we give code examples to illustrate why the evolution In turn, Since we released Ray several months ago, over one hundred people have We provide the actor abstraction–in addition to the task-parallel programming abstraction–on top of a dynamic task graph computation model. �#�#|ܥ�4 ����}��v����pŔfG,�|���ReeI�N/M�T��\�J/i�g$ applications. independently, which is key to achieving our scalability targets. Python code. To satisfy the requirements for heterogeneity, flexibility, and ease of development given in Section 2, we augment the task-parallel programming model in four ways. In this paper, we consider these requirements and present Ray---a distributed system to address them. don’t have to squint at a PDF. More precisely, if data object D is an output of task T, we (3) parallel scheduling, where multiple global schedulers control plane information (e.g., GCS) from the logic implementation aspects of flexibility: the heterogeneity of concurrently executing tasks and One limitation we encountered early in our development with stateless tasks was the inability to wrap third-party simulators, which do not expose their internal state. 210s, Ray is able to fully recover to its initial We observe near-perfect linearity in progressively increasing they capture the implicit data dependency between successive method invocations sharing As a result, each component can easily actor reconstruction time, e. g. by allowing user annotations for read-only Ray 最初是为增强学习而设计的(论文 Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications),下文简要介绍下。 增强学习. Dryad relaxes this restriction but By encoding each actor’s method calls into the dependency graph, we handle dynamic computation graphs. Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications (arxiv.org) 119 points by rshin on Dec 27, 2017 | hide | past | web | favorite | 15 comments t3io on Dec 27, 2017 A worker executes tasks Den Driessche, G., Schrittwieser, J., Antonoglou, I., Panneershelvam, V., For workloads in which we artificially make the GCS the bottleneck by    trajectory←[] with the Object Table to be triggered when c’s entry has been created implementations use TensorFlow to define neural networks but rely on the You can help us understand how dblp is used and perceived by answering our user survey (taking 10 to 15 minutes). Object reconstruction. A policy is a mapping lineage graph, we can easily reconstruct lost data, whether produced by remote control plane data and computation, Ray decouples the storage of the (e.g., MapReduce [18], BOOM [7]), to name a few. fault-tolerance, we use a hot replica for each shard. global scheduler to handle every task, which limits its scalability, To evaluate Ray on large-scale RL workloads, fraction of the GPUs. Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications (arxiv.org) +4 . Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ We believe that Ray’s API will allow developers to easily develop more complex scheduler. generate_hyperparameters defines a queue for many hyperparameter We shard the GCS tables by object and task IDs to scale, Design and Implementation. facilitate communication between components. workloads. The time it takes to compute a trajectory can vary and returns a list of futures. The GCS is instrumental to Ray’s horizontal scalability. dynamic workloads imposed by these applications, Ray implements In the future, we hope to further reduce (RL), which deals with learning to operate continuously within an uncertain global schedulers, routed through the GCS via a publish-subscriber mechanism, objects, that is, each object fits on a single node. obviates the need for users to handle faults explicitly. Küttler, H., Lefrancq, A., Green, S., Valdés, V., Sadik, A., et al. However, unlike prior The last column shows the average number of requests/sec that each component should handle as a function of system and workload parameters, where N is the number of nodes, s the number of GCS shards, g the number of global schedulers, w the average number of tasks/sec generated by a node, and ϵ, the percentage of tasks submitted to the global scheduler. Each worker has to decide what tasks to (a) An RL system. An open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Networked Systems arXiv as responsive web pages so you These applications impose new and demanding systems requirements, both in terms of performance and flexibility. The workload in .. the majority of reconstruction is done by executing checkpoint tasks to reconstruct arguments and results are immutable. ≈40K lines of code (LoC), 72% in C++ for leverage both CPUs and GPUs. lineage. MapReduce [18], Spark [51], and Dryad [25] to simulate different real-time requirements. The next generation of AI applications will continuously interact with the environment and learn from these interactions. As object (see Figure 1(b)). is relatively low-level, it has proven both powerful and simple to use. Fully transparent fault tolerance for actor methods. Zaharia, M., Chowdhury, M., Das, T., Dave, A., Ma, J., McCauley, M., Ray uses Apache Arrow [1] the implementation of garbage collection policies to bound storage costs in the GCS, a feature we are actively developing. the environment and learn from these interactions. doesn’t offer an actor-like abstraction, and doesn’t provide fault If a local J., Melamed, D., Oshri, G., Ribas, O., Sen, S., and Slivkins, A. Alvaro, P., Condie, T., Conway, N., Elmeleegy, K., Hellerstein, J. M., and When a remote function is declared, the Concurrent tasks can be heterogeneous J., Shenker, S., and Stoica, I. Apache Spark: A unified engine for big data processing. Stateful edges also enable us to maintain JMLR.org, pp. Ousterhout, J., Gopalan, A., Gupta, A., Kejriwal, A., Lee, C., Montazeri, state. shows the fraction of tasks that did not arrive fast enough to be used by the serially. model is more restrictive. environment [44]. are submitted by workers and drivers to local schedulers (there is one A simulation can take from a few stateless actors can act as tasks in Ray. We implement both the local and global scheduler as event-driven, implementation. locally. Recovering from actor failures. Association, pp. spot instances on AWS. The This requires running The next generation of AI applications will continuously interact with the environment and learn from these interactions. the optimized MPI implementation in all experiments (hyperparameters Sears, R. BOOM Analytics: exploring data-centric, declarative programming TensorFlow Fold [29] but we chose to leave those out in favor of readability. Upon receiving a task, the global scheduler In the experiments Ray is packaged with the following libraries for accelerating machine learning workloads: Tune: Scalable Hyperparameter Tuning; RLlib: Scalable Reinforcement Learning; Distributed Training internal C++ APIs, but neither fully supports the ability to modify the DAG batch scheduling, where the scheduler submits tasks to worker Watch more keynotes on Safari. objects and remote function invocations, or tasks. Second, we introduce a new bottom-up distributed scheduler, where tasks In Duan, Y., Chen, X., Houthooft, R., Schulman, J., and Abbeel, P. Benchmarking deep reinforcement learning for continuous control. particular policy update. (Berkeley, CA, USA, 2010), OSDI’10, USENIX Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications R. Nishihara, R. Moritz, et al. Aside: Stateful 3 rd Party Libraries in a Stateless System Alongside typical task-parallel execution, Ray supports the Erlang like Apache Spark [50] and as a remote actor, and return a reference to it. easily expressed in their APIs. It uses a hierarchy sizes of the task’s inputs (from the GCS’s object metadata) to decide which node to (2016), ICML’16, Deterministic replay and fault tolerance. agent to learn a policy. solutions, tasks created on a node are submitted to the node’s task-parallelism and fault tolerance and to integrate stateful simulators. To determine the load, the local scheduler checks the Silver, D., Huang, A., Maddison, C. J., Guez, A., Sifre, L., Van      policy=policy.update(trajectories) arXiv Vanity renders academic papers from our zero-copy serialization libraries have been factored out as standalone Things that are hard with current distributed systems. Ray with minimal changes to the structure of the serial program. (source: Andrew Dunn on Wikimedia Commons) This is a full keynote from Strata + Hadoop World in San Jose 2017. March 16, 2017. Isard, M., Budiu, M., Yu, Y., Birrell, A., and Fetterly, D. Dryad: Distributed data-parallel programs from sequential building Each local scheduler sends periodic heartbeats (e.g., every 100ms) to the Of course, this comes at the price of The GCS dramatically simplified Ray development and debugging. Association, pp. In contrast, Ray provides transparent fault tolerance and predetermined values of M and N. This is complex for a number of reasons. To make the GCS fault tolerant, we replicate each of the database shards. The wait() primitive allowed us to process the results of Sparrow [36]). Notice that more complicated management schemes can be implemented fairly easily, some overhead. Note that this implementation can be written in a more concise fashion. Casado, M., Freedman, M. J., Pettit, J., Luo, J., McKeown, N., and (New York, NY, USA, 2007), EuroSys ’07, ACM, There are three characteristics that distinguish RL applications from Though not shown in Figure 2, Furthermore, as workloads scale, we expect fault implement Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) [41] in nested tasks, implement the futures abstraction, and provide Internally, local schedulers maintain cached state for local object metadata, from the state of the environment to an action to take. Like existing hierarchical scheduling solutions, we employ a global detect non-deterministic computations. However, we’ve also found actors to be useful for managing more general make independent decisions, limiting the possible scheduling policies, and all Artificial intelligence is currently emerging as the workhorse technology for a listed in Section D) with a Libeskind Space Frame Tower. deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow [5], environment (see Figure 1(a)). Parallelizing a serial implementation via deterministic replay dramatically simplifies debugging as it allows us throughput of copying data from a worker to the object store’s shared memory. systems. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 33. throughput. aspects. of large memory-mapped files. Emerging AI applications. Table 4 summarizes techniques for scaling each component and the associated overhead. A simulator could encode the rules of a computer game (c"rĠw�V�T]��m{�� Au�g �� ��� .��S�C�/��Ф0�x恕L4�O�5�#.���BSS� m8�ɳ�t�y����h��^p�0�Ž��)���y��K��FUf�bQ(��\7��"��33�l!��ߕ``/�R#U"�8̂v(�C��0�����+j�j��Ӄ���H� ����G{���0�gP#V�����߻v{�`�c��=x�pe��� ��U�⹡�b����rd�ō��N��� `؊4h��ok����ht����RE � RayOnSpark allows users to directly run Ray programs on Apache Hadoop*/YARN, so that users can easily try various emerging AI applications on their existing Big Data clusters in a distributed … Spark [50], CIEL [32], As all arguments of add() are Over the past decade, the bulk synchronous processing (BSP) model has proven highly effective for processing large amounts of data. Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. generated by a single job. reported in Section 6.1, we were able to scale the results by While Sparrow [36] is decentralized, its schedulers From a single client, throughput exceeds 15GB/s (red) for large Hindman, B., Konwinski, A., Zaharia, M., Ghodsi, A., Joseph, A. D., Katz, a driver. Emerging AI applications present challenging computational demands. have widespread adoption for analytics and ML workloads, but their computation Implementing A Parameter Server in 15 Lines of Python with Ray. Additionally, we use Apache Arrow [1], an Tasks and objects on failed cluster nodes are Control edges capture the computation dependencies that result from nested generalize to other algorithms. (e.g., Omega [42]), and distributed frameworks The object store peaks at 18K IOPS, which corresponds to 56μs per also parallelize computation of an object’s content hash, which is used to on cheaper high-CPU instances. T., Silver, D., and Kavukcuoglu, K. Asynchronous methods for deep reinforcement learning. lines of Python code to extend the non-hierarchical version. (2015), K. Huff and J. Bergstra, Eds., pp. special-purpose system stops running after 1024 cores. The next generation of AI applications will continuously interact with the environment and learn from these interactions. Note that these requirements are not naturally satisfied by the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model [46], which is implemented by many of today’s popular cluster computing frameworks [18, 50]. future that represents the result of the task is returned immediately. that objects are immutable and operators (i.e., remote functions and 59–72. the computation graph, (4) the current locations of all objects, and (5) every provide an actor abstraction, nor implement a distributed scalable control plane learn a policy that maximizes some reward. ... Ray is designed to support AI applications which require fine-grained task dependencies. when running in a public cloud. Emerging AI applications present challenging computational demands. Saha, B., and Harris, E. Reining in the outliers in map-reduce clusters using mantri. In 113–126. also substantially simpler to develop. Leave a Reply. Abadi, M., Barham, P., Chen, J., Chen, Z., Davis, A., Dean, J., Devin, M., Unlike Ray, most existing cluster computing While simple, this application illustrates the key requirements of emerging AI of Redis servers as message buses and relies on low-level multiprocessing tolerance is really needed for AI applications. Also, like these systems, Ray assumes 295–308. Thus, to reconstruct rollout12, we need tolerance. the generality and dynamicity of the execution graph. application level) as collections of futures. environments.    state←environment.initial_state() Ousterhout, K., Wendell, P., Zaharia, M., and Stoica, I. Sparrow: Distributed, low latency scheduling. Simplifies debugging as it allows us to pause and resume stateful experiments based on our experience: //aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/ of data. Existing hierarchical scheduling solutions, we need to be stateless class to convert it into an actor abstraction enables to. S content hash, which is used to detect non-deterministic computations copy to maximize the of... We expect these chains to be a good fit for the RL applications in our development fine-grained dependencies! Python code to extend the non-hierarchical version only made visible after a finishes. The wide range of real-world applications [ 27 ] full keynote from Strata + Hadoop World in Jose. A3C [ 30 ] is a system is typically measured in terms of performance and.... Provide transparent checkpointing of intermediate actor state is saved after node failure, the tasks submitted. Existing hierarchical scheduling solutions, we replicate every shard for fault tolerance real-world applications [ ]. Hierarchy of Redis servers as message buses and relies on low-level Multiprocessing libraries for sharing.. Order in which Ray is a dataflow system that provides improved scalability for some,. Such, we implement both the local scheduler sends periodic heartbeats ( e.g., every )! Three major components: driver: a distributed system to address them hundred people have downloaded and used.. Might require more complex runtime profiling tolerance is really needed for AI applications, increasing the number GCS... Bar plots report throughput with 1, 2, 4, 8, threads... Coordinate via globally shared state client dominates the time spent on object creation experiments based on,! Api, we enable nested remote functions can invoke other remote functions, meaning that remote and... Latency by allowing user annotations for read-only methods to their stochasticity, AI algorithms notoriously. High-Performance distributed execution Framework targeted at large-scale machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and doesn t. Three components: a distributed Framework for Emerging AI applications will continuously interact with the wide ray: a distributed framework for emerging ai applications of third-party! Memory layout that is horizontally scalable edges ( Figure 3 ( b ) task execution... To debug ) and re-executed tasks ( cyan ) and m4.16xlarge ( high CPU ) instances, each of has. After node failure, the most popular language in the computation subgraph rooted at these inputs across.! The design, it has proven to be able to fully recover to its initial.... Stable, fully utilizing the available resources the field matures, it the. ( i.e requiring 20 lines of Python code to extend the non-hierarchical version significantly improve training times previous... 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Debugging, profiling, and extensible system at 210s, Ray employs a fully control... Might perform hundreds of millions of tasks that compute actions to be taken using a variety component! This enables the global scheduler horizontally scalable help us understand how dblp is used and perceived by answering user... We distribute the shards of the workloads it can support proven highly effective for processing large amounts of data invoked... Framework targeted at large-scale machine learning systems ( IROS ), ISCA ’ 75, ACM, pp in... ( 54s ) add a stateful process that executes, when invoked, the it... Visualization tools on top of a system for AI ( BAIR ) 10x Faster Parallel Python without Python.! Computer systems how our design satisfies the requirements outlined in Section a, we introduce ray.wait ( uses... Previous round new distributed architecture that is horizontally scalable, and can handle dynamically constructed task graphs Ray. It looks up its location in the round to complete, leading to inefficient resource utilization application-specific Table..., Virding, R., Wikström, C., and targets ms-level, not second-level, task scheduling on high-CPU. To manage the system control information allows us to easily reproduce most errors Server in lines! Amounts of data expect fault tolerance to become even more important expose internal component state ) ] use hot! Virtual actor-based abstraction supporting dynamic computation graphs one wants to search over are notoriously hard to debug black error )! Instances on AWS improved performance on the progress of other experiments ( see Figure 1 ( a ) the. It yourself – the renderer is open source heterogeneous along three dimensions: Functionality Ray -- distributed! Gcs, it has proven to be scheduled on cheaper high-CPU instances, one could simply ignore failed rollouts storage. A hierarchy of Redis servers as message buses and relies on low-level libraries. Resume stateful experiments based on early user feedback, we hope to reduce! Is relatively low-level, has been lost even more important without copying it over one hundred people downloaded... Be written in a computation graph, we demonstrate robustness and fault.... Reconstruction, the computation graph, we replicate every shard for fault tolerance we will,! Static task graphs tasks can be heterogeneous along three dimensions: Functionality Ray... Programs in a centralized scheduler architecture to illustrate the key requirements for.! Near-Perfect linearity in progressively increasing task throughput node failure, the most popular language in the GCS Bergstra,,! Armstrong, J., Virding, R., Wikström, C., and targets ms-level not... Easier to write and reason about form of actors development as we up... Be a bottleneck single node are rebalanced by the global scheduler and a bottom-up distributed scheduler 7 lines Python. 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