In fact, the faithful regarded themselves as guilty, and rightly so as Origen recalls, if, after they had received the body of the Lord and kept it with all reverence and caution, some part of it were to fall to the ground through negligence. 365-366.]. This presence is called "real" not to exclude the idea that the others are "real" too, but rather to indicate presence par excellence, because it is substantial and through it Christ becomes present whole and entire, God and man. St. John Chrysostom insists upon the same point with these words: "It is not man who makes what is put before him the Body and Blood of Christ, but Christ Himself who was crucified for us. ... From such a Mass an abundant treasure of special salutary graces enriches the celebrant, the faithful, the whole Church, and the entire world — graces which are not imparted in the … Moreover, Christ is present in His Church in a still more sublime manner as she offers the Sacrifice of the Mass in His name; He is present in her as she administers the sacraments. To His Venerable Brothers the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops and other Local Ordinaries in Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See, and to the Clergy and Faithful of the Entire World. (38) No one is unaware that the sacraments are the actions of Christ who administers them through men. The priest standing there in the place of Christ says these words, but their power and grace are from God. Mysterium Fidei Latin Mass Society A Louisiana Chapter of Una Voce America. 70. The few things that We have touched upon concerning the Sacrifice of the Mass encourage Us to say something about the Sacrament of the Eucharist, since both Sacrifice and Sacrament pertain to the same mystery and cannot be separated from each other. and carried the holy body of the Lord around with him," going off to places of amusement instead of going home. The ancient documents of the Church offer many evidences of this veneration. Let him adhere to the body; let him live for God on God: let him labor now upon earth, so that he may afterwards reign in heaven." Thank you for visiting Mysterium Fidei Latin Mass Society! CHRIST SACRAMENTALLY PRESENT IN THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. Please visit us again soon. He is present in His Church as she rules and governs the People of God, since her sacred power comes from Christ and since Christ, the "Shepherd of Shepherds," (37) is present in the bishops who exercise that power, in keeping with the promise He made to the Apostles. And so we must approach this mystery in particular with humility and reverence, not relying on human reasoning, which ought to hold its peace, but rather adhering firmly to divine Revelation. He teaches us not to look to the nature of what lies before us and is perceived by the senses, because the giving of thanks and the words spoken over it have changed it into flesh and blood." 8. (64), 61. (45), 43. The Lord is immolated in an unbloody way in the Sacrifice of the Mass and He re-presents the sacrifice of the Cross and applies its salvific power at the moment when he becomes sacramentally present— through the words of consecration—as the spiritual food of the faithful, under the appearances of bread and wine. These words highlight both the sacrifice, which pertains to the essence of the Mass that is celebrated daily, and the sacrament in which those who participate in it through holy Communion eat the flesh of Christ and drink the blood of Christ, and thus receive grace, which is the beginning of eternal life, and the "medicine of immortality" according to Our Lord's words: "The man who eats my flesh and drinks my blood enjoys eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." Mysterium Fidei concludes: 75. 24. These various ways in which Christ is present fill the mind with astonishment and offer the Church a mystery for her contemplation. ibid. (28) Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, c. 1, n. 27; AAS LVI (1964), 107 [Cf. (58) Allocution of September 22, 1956, AAS XLVIII (1956), 720 [Cf. Even if the words mysterium fidei are not necessary for signifying transubstantiation (and thus, the consecration can be “effective,” and the Mass “valid,” without them), the removal of the phrase from its age-old position exudes the attitude: nothing is sacred. Phrase in Mass of the Roman Rite. "The Body of Christ is meant to be eaten by the faithful, not to be treated with irreverence," is the serious warning of St. Hippolytus. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, c. 2, 11; AAS LVII (1965), 15 [Cf. Pope Innocent III and the Canon of the Mass also tell us that the words “mysterium fidei” were given by Jesus Christ Himself. in the Postcommunion) to the sacramental Consecration. (57) Const. TPS v. 10, p. (72) May all those who are not yet in perfect communion with the Catholic Church and who glory in the name of Christian despite their separation from her, come as soon as possible to share with us, through the help of God's grace, in that unity of faith and communion that Christ wanted to be the distinctive mark of His disciples. (22) Cf. The Mysterium Fidei not only points to transubstantiation, it points to the mystery of Christ’s salvific action on the Cross. (59), 55. . TPS IX, 325.]. (18) Foreshadowed by Malachias, (19) this new oblation of the New Testament has always been offered by the Church, in accordance with the teaching of Our Lord and the Apostles, "not only to atone for the sins and punishments and satisfactions of the living faithful and to appeal for their other needs, but also to help those who have died in Christ but have not yet been completely purified." 34. To our venerable brothers, the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops and other local Ordinaries in peace and communion with the Holy See, and to all the clergy and faithful of the world. During the season of Lent, we will go over our Latin Mass parts. This zeal at prayer and at devoting oneself to God for the sake of the unity of the Church is something that religious, both men and women, should regard as very specially their own since they are bound in a special way to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and they have, by virtue of the vows they have pronounced, become a kind of crown set around it here on earth. 57. This intention of Christ was faithfully carried out by the primitive Church through her adherence to the teaching of the Apostles and through her gatherings to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice. 72. 66. Funk, Patres Apostolici, 1.20. Pope Paul VI by divine providence Pope, to our venerable brothers, the Patriarchs Primates, Archbishops, Bishops and other local Ordinaries in peace and communion with the Holy See, and to all the clergy and faithful of the world: on the doctrine and worship of the Holy Eucharist. First of all, We want to recall something that you know very well but that is absolutely necessary if the virus of every kind of rationalism is to be repelled; it is something that many illustrious martyrs have witnessed to with their blood, something that celebrated fathers and Doctors of the Church have constantly professed and taught. Our soul is filled with great joy as We contemplate your belief in the Eucharist, which is ours as well, as we listen to the liturgical prayers you use to celebrate this great mystery, as we behold your Eucharistic devotion, as we read your theological works explaining or defending the doctrine of this most sacred Sacrament. (49), CHRIST PRESENT IN THE EUCHARIST THROUGH TRANSUBSTANTIATION. I wonder though if 'habentes' was really meant to allude to a Deacon holding the chalice. These words, The mystery of faith, are beautiful and remind us of the central truth that at its heart, the Mass is Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. (51) Cf. To this I would answer: A similar objection was heard for 40 years when we traditionalists contested the first English translation that used for allinstead of for many. We will pass over the other citations and rest content with recalling the testimony offered by St. Cyril of Jerusalem, who wrote the following memorable words for the neophytes whom he was instructing in the Christian faith: "After the spiritual sacrifice, the un-bloody act of worship, has been completed, we bend over this propitiatory offering and beg God to grant peace to all the Churches, to give harmony to the whole world, to bless our rulers, our soldiers and our companions, to aid the sick and afflicted, and in general to assist all those who stand in need; we all pray for all these intentions and we offer this victim for them . The Memorial Acclamation and its reception in French, English and Polish Missals The acclamation after the consecration, commonly termed in English the “Me-morial Acclamation”, was introduced into the Roman Rite of Mass in 1968. 15. It is His presence in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, which is, for this reason, "a more consoling source of devotion, a lovelier object of contemplation and holier in what it contains" (39) than all the other sacraments; for it contains Christ Himself and it is "a kind of consummation of the spiritual life, and in a sense the goal of all the sacraments." ." But We cannot approve the opinions that they set forth, and We have an obligation to warn you about the grave danger that these opinions involve for true faith. In fact, St. Cyril of Alexandria denounced as mad the opinion that the Eucharist was of no use to sanctification if some of it were left over for another day. "Is not this cup we bless," he says, "a participation in Christ's Blood? In doing so, they will also be making a great contribution toward the salvation of mankind. 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